Proxmox 6.2-1 installation fails after DHCP lease obtained.

I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of the new Asus PN50 Ryzen 7 boxes yesterday. Fortunately, it has a Ryzen 4700U and should smoke my Pi4 and older Intel 4200U Proxmox box.

The bad is that the Proxmox installer fails and dumps out to a command prompt after obtaining a DHCP lease. While digging through the logs I noticed that the installer was failing trying to start the X server for the GUI. What to do? Run the following:

$ chmod 1777 /tmp   
$ apt update
$ apt upgrade
$ Xorg -configure   
$ mv / /etc/X11/xorg.conf
$ vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf # update Driver "amdgpu"-> "fbdev" <-be sure to get all instances in the case of a multi-head card which tripped me up initially. 
$ startx

This should start the Proxmox installer and everything else is smooth sailing. Note, this will not persist through a reboot as this is done within the “live image”, so don’t reboot in this process until Proxmox has completely installed.

EDIT: It seems vim may no longer be part of the installer in 6.3. If vim is not working and you get “Command not found”, try nano instead.

18 replies on “Proxmox 6.2-1 installation fails after DHCP lease obtained.”

Hello i have also the same problem.
The following line dose not work.

$ vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf

The anser is coomand not found

Please help me!

OK, so this is still a thing. As a linux/Proxmox noob, It took me a while to figure out the editing of xorg.conf (I had to use nano, vim not installed.) Got there eventually and now have migrated my Home Assistant from my Pi to my PN50. Only other snag was getting Zigbee2MQTT USB stick to work, but that’s another story. Thanks heaps!

Thx a lot!
I had so much trouble over days and days and finally it was so easy. Could install proxmox on a Ryzen 4650G.

Any chance you could specify what to change? I know it will be a little bit different for each system, but a screenshot of that would go a long way


Within /etc/X11/xorg.conf you need to search for Section "Device". Within those sections you will see Driver "amdgpu" or similar. Replace all instances of amdgpu with fbdev.

The value on my systems was something like “modeselect” rather than the specific GPU vendor’s driver, just in case that helps anyone else.

Many thanks for the post – followed it four times now! 🙂

Awesome, got me going on my PN50 as well – crazy that you can run ProxMox on such a teeny thing! ;]

Couple of notes on this:

– vim indeed doesn’t work in the 6.3 installer, however vi is still there, so you can just use that (of course nano works as well)
– after running `startx` on tty3, I just got a black screen with a cursor, nothing else. I had to switch back to tty1, hit Ctrl-C, and run `startx` from there, then it worked.

Thanks for you post on this, was super helpful – I have no idea how you figured this out! ;] Well done!

I was able to use this for my Proxmox 6.3-1 installation as well. I’m running a Ryzen 5 3600 on an ASRock B450m Pro4 with an MSI GT 710 for video output. In my case, the configuration file was using the “nouveau” driver, but updating it to “fbdev” as per the post got me through to the installation UI.

Thank you very much!
I tested it with Proxmox 6.3.1 on ASUS PN50 (Ryzen 7 with Radeon). It was important to start the installer on TTY1, what I had done wrong first. Therefore I wrote this note as summary:

1.) Boot ISO from USB
The installer may be unable to start. Then do the following steps:

2.) Error correction
– Switch to TTY3 (ALT+F3)
– Upgrade the system:
$ chmod 1777 /tmp
$ apt update
$ apt upgrade

– Reconfigure Xorg:
$ Xorg -configure
$ mv /root/ /etc/X11/xorg.conf
$ vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
# update Driver from “amdgpu” to “fbdev” in all sections – vi hint to replace: :%s/amdgpu/fbdev/g

3.) Restart Proxmox installer
– Switch back to TTY1 (ALT+F1)
– Wait until the installer stopped with error (unable to continue…)
– Restart the installer with the new Xorg configuration:
$ startx

My installer just stopped at “starting a root shell on tty3”. Nothing happens. Not existing to shell. ALT+F3 does nothing.

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